Weed Candy or Edibles are cannabis or THC-infused food products such as gummies, baked goods, chocolates, and more.  The ability to feel the effects of cannabis with having to smoke a weed, flower or vaporize concentrates are the main advantage or benefits of consuming cannabis-infused edibles.

What are the four categories of cannabis-infused edibles?

  • Sativa-Based Edibles
  • Indica-Based Edibles
  • Hybrid Edibles
  • Pure CBD Edibles

Samples of Sativa Edibles:

Samples of Indica based edibles:

When do edibles take effect after digesting?

Keep in mind that edibles usually take 30 to 60 minutes to take effect. Although, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind. Such as the product’s active ingredients – if it contains a high dose or THC concentration-may take faster than usual. 

Common Factors affecting onset time of edibles:

  • diet
  • metabolism
  • sex
  • weight
  • tolerance to cannabis

Here at Bulk Buddy, you can find a large-scale selection of cannabis-infused baked goods, gummies, seasoning packets, cooking oil, chocolates, breath strips, mints, sodas, and countless other items. 

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