The second most common active ingredient in cannabis. CBD from the hemp plant, a cousin of the marijuana plant. It is an essential component of medical marijuana.

What is Cannabidiol?

CBD oil is used for many common ailments as a natural remedy. Unlike THC, Cannabidiol doesn’t provide that “high” effect that is usually associated with marijuana. The World Health Organization states that CBD exhibits no effects on humans, leading to substance abuse and dependency. There have been no reports yet regarding any health-related problems caused by CBD.

Legality of CBD

People always ask, “Is CBD legal?” CBD is readily available and legal to buy all over the United States, although its exact legal status is still shaky. All 50 states have varying degrees of restriction. As for the federal government, it is still considered the same class as marijuana. The FDA eased requirements for research on CBD in December 2015. There is always confusion on the government’s stand on CBD due to disagreement about whether it’s from the hemp or marijuana plant. 

In 2018, Canada changed its cannabis laws, making CBD legal in the country. It gained its controlled status as mandated by the United Nations drug control conventions. Just like the United States, Canada’sCanada’s CBD and Cannabis laws in each province and territory vary from each other. CBD and other related products still work around the Cannabis Act. This Act also deals with the growing, selling, importing, and manufacturing of food and health products with CBD.

CBD health benefits

With the rapid rise of CBD products storming the market, you can’t but wonder if it is beneficial. CBD in modern medicine has opened so many doors and shed light on so many disorders known to man. Here are some claims about the benefits and effects of CBD.

1. Pain Relief

Marijuana has been used as a pain reliever since 2900 B.C. Modern scientists discovered that CBD is one of the components that give this effect. When combined with THC, CBD can be effective against pains like arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

2. Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression have run rampant nowadays. These disorders have affected so many people all over the world. CDB is said to have the ability to interact with the brain’s serotonin receptors and has no addictive qualities, unlike medications like benzodiazepines.

3. Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms

Vomiting and nausea, two of the most common side effects of chemotherapy, is reduced with CBD. Even with other medications available, the CBD and THC combination seems to be most favoured by patients.

4. Reduce Acne

A lot of people struggle with acne. It is said to be caused by genetics, bacteria, underlying inflammation and the overproduction of sebum. CBD has properties that deal with inflammation and sebum production. Human studies are yet to prove these claims to be true.

5. Neuroprotective Properties

One of the most talked-about CBD benefits is how it treats childhood epilepsy. Some studies show that CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures. Some cases even result in completely stopping seizures. Its effectiveness in treating conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Benefit Heart Health

Stroke, heart attack and metabolic syndrome are all linked to high blood pressure. Thankfully, recent research says that CBD might have the ability to reduce high blood pressure. Researchers believe that this is because of CBD’sCBD’s stress and anxiety-reducing properties.

CBD Safety

In minimal doses, CBD is safe to use and might not show any adverse side effects. The FDA still has strict regulations regarding the substance to ensure the safety of its users. Just be careful when munching on CBD gummies.

The Verdict

Even with positive reviews and claims of CBD’s effectiveness, it is still better to research the substance before you decide to use it. CBD can further advance medicine, but substantial evidence is always vital to find out the truth.

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